Well I am 29 weeks now, but the picture and the text are going to be about 28 weeks:)
Things to remember:
- going to the doctor and her getting "strict" with my weight. WHATEVER. I have gained 28 pounds so far, and I have 12 weeks to go, so she said a pound a week or LESS if possible. I am doing my best to eat SO much healthier than I did with Lucy and I am gaining the exact amount every week that I did with Lucy. ( I have access to all my dr.'s appts. for the last 4 years online. ) I can't really do much more. I have been stressed about the weight gain for about two months now and she hasn't been, and right when I decided to give up the stress in that subject, she starts to stress. Ugh!
- got results from my glucose test. I AM NOT DIABETIC. NO WHERE CLOSE! In fact I am hypoglycemic, which is LOW blood sugar, and I have to eat protein now every three hours. It is really actually been helping me to eat protein every so often, cottage cheese, almonds, peanut butter. Now I know why when I ate apples or juice like the dr. said to, I would get majorly dizzy!
- This baby...IS SO ACTIVE! It is hilarious! I feel him change positions..like serious positions ALL the time right now! I know I am going to miss that feeling, so I am enjoying it all I can. It's just hard/funny when I am teaching and I have this thing inside rolling and somersaulting!
- Troy made Stetson's quilt ....like in a day. Have I mentioned this? If so, its only prego brain that caused me to forget. Pictures soon I PROMISE! We decided to do monkeys and jungle theme, and use that as his crib comforter. So we just need to get plain crib sheets and a plain bumper, and WAA LAA! There we have a bedding set that was way cheap. We are doing western theme though for my shower. It was really hard to find western fabrics, and the colors didnt match Lucy's stuff, so we decided on the monkeys for the quilt. If they had separate rooms or we had MONEY we would be doing western, but no such luck.