Monday, March 26, 2012

Two things to document

Stetson now had tubes.....just like his big sister. After 5 ear infections in 8 months decided it was time. I took Stetson and did the whole thing by myself, and it was a breeze! I think because I went through it all with Lucy and new exactly what to expect. We even had the same surgeon. Lucy got tubes at about 16 months old, and Stetson got tubes at 21 months old. The blue ear plugs that Stetson has in is my documentation that he does have tubes......and wait...there was one more thing......OH YEAH!!!! Look closer at the picture by his foot. What do you notice? Yes, my son has started pooping in the bath tub. All I have to say is...poor Lucy!!!! She flips out when this happens ( rightfully so ). Bath time is now very short and we don't fill the tub very much.............
and for the record.....
I have always been the one to fish it all out!

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