She was VERY good last night. Not sure if it will continue. We didnt get home with her until 8pm...and by 10pm we had her in her crate in our room to sleep. She only woke up when LUCY WHO HAS BEEN SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT decided to get up at 1am. So Troy got Lucy and I took Ellie outside. She went potty, and I put her back in her crate. Lucy decided to get up at 430am as well, but Ellie stayed asleep! I woke up at 5am for work and I decided to wake Ellie up to take her to go potty. She NEVER told us she wanted to go, we were the ones to take her!
Lets cross our fingers she stays this way or at least can hold it as good as she did last night!
Troy had Lucy and Ellie to take care of this morning ( like he will every morning) so I am anxious to find out how it went! AND he is taking her to work for a little to continue the crate training. Lets hope for the best! We love our little Ellie! Did I mention she was the smallest? The runt? Adorable! And she is 12 weeks, born on July 12 :)
She is so cute. I love her.
PS: You guys aren't crazy...we love our Ruby!
I love her! I want a pet or kid, or both!!
awww Ellie is so cute!!!! :D Congrats on the latest addition! lol
Crazy, I just don't think I could get a dog it is just like dealing with a new baby. He does look cute though.
haha how funny that you chose that name. Our daughter and her dog cousin are going to share the same name. We love the name Ellie. And no we are not expecting, just a name for our future daughter.
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