A picture of him ON his special day!!
-off bottles, onto sippy cups and he takes WAY longer to drink and he isn't as happy them so we may switch back to bottles as horrible as it sounds. Time will tell. I am ok with it all because he is my last baby...so baby him all I want.
update to last bullet- we put him back on bottles ( just really cheap bottles because we threw away our Dr. Brown's ones ) so he has a bottle at night....but sippy cups of soy milk at breakfast and before nap
-no more formula!
-doesn't like ketchup ( what kid doesn't like ketchup???)
-loves chicken!
-had his first ear infection ( with a 104 fever and throwing up - doc said he probably just throws up with high fever since this isn't the first time he has had 104 and throwing up ) and doc also deduced that he got the ear infection from being dunked in the pool---because he didn't have a cold or congestion at all before the infection )
-three weeks later---got a second ear infection...well actually double ear infections. And is teething really bad. I am hoping this all goes away quickly poor guy. Luckily...he sleeps REALLY well no matter what, he can just be fussier during the day.
- LOVES playing with Lucy and tries to do everything she does. It is SO cute. ( until he gets hurt because i know he will )
-Is a daredevil. Climbs on everything
-Has taken steps, but likes to crawl WAY more
-Likes to play peek a boo with his blanket
-This month he began saying hi, night night, baba ( bottle ) and thank you
1 comment:
Happy Birthday Stetson! Can't wait to play with you in July.
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