Monday, April 26, 2010

Work Shower- 36 week pictures

My dear friend and coworker Jen threw me a shower at Applebee's last Friday after school. I was suppppposed to still be working, but plans change! It was super fun, and we were totally spoiled with gifts, including OUR DOUBLE STROLLER! Yahoo! The company was great, the food was great, and was even able to go visit my friend Kat who had just had her baby that morning in the hospital after the shower was over. It was such a happy day!
Picture is dark, but here is the Mommy Hook ( so excited to use ) and an Angels hat for Stetson :)
Lovely ol me in my 36 weeks of pregnant glory. Yes I know I haven't updated with pictures of how I am growing, but take a look at all of these, this should be enough of a picture update!
It has been great to be getting presents for Lucy too! We haven't bought anything for her in FOREVER! ( except diapers! )

My friend Linda and her 4 month old Olivia :)
Many hands make light work! Getting the stroller into my car!
Thank you friends and especially Jen!

1 comment:

Tawny said...

What fun! You have such nice work friends...I don't think I ever got that spoiled at work! LOVE the MOMMY HOOK! You should be SO excited about that one! I have two, LOVE THEM!


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