On my real birthday, Monday, Lucy and I met Troy at Duke's in Huntington Beach. I love Duke's and I have been there quite a bit to celebrate special holidays. Dinner was great, and we even spent some time on and around the pier. I truly had a wonderful day! Troy surpised me with presents ( I had already gotten clothes on our anniversary vacation so I said not to get me anything) and the day after my birthday he got flowers sent to my work! Stargazer lilys! My favorite! He said it was ok to celebrate two days in a row. I was totally spoiled. Thank you Troy boy!!!

This is not the age to get her to pose for pictures!

I love this picture of Troy!

Lucy loved dipping the spring rolls into this really good "boat" of sauce.

Trying to keep Lucy entertained while waiting for dinner. Troy did a GREAT job!

We even got Lucy to ride on some random guys skateboard ....she had so much fun!

Hmmmmm..mmm. yummmmy

Troy loves this picture. yick!

The classic picture you have to take of yourselves...hehe

Lucy liked one of my birthday presents!

Huntington Pier--Ruby's is on the end with the red roof.

Giving momma hugs.

A Willow Tree statue..I love them! Thank you Troy!

The book I have been wanting for awhile. It's really good so far!

Lucy looking in at my presents!

A great night was had by all! I can't believe I am 2 years away from being 30!!!!
Sarah! First off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sorry I'm late! Oh my gosh, Lucy is seriously the cutest, and you look absolutely beautiful! I cannot believe these girls are 4 days apart and they still haven't met! What are we thinking?
Dang, you're OLD, girl (a whole 4 months older than me)! Ahhh, almost 30...I can't believe it! Where does the time go?!
Love the pics you are trully a loving family it totally shows. Lucy I see is not afraid to try new foods. See you all soon
Birthdays are the best! I am glad that you had a good one!
Ahhh, looks like you had a wonderful birthday! Don't you love that the girls don't pose for pictures anymore and need constant entertaining through dinner! I laughed when I saw those comments! I love the pic of Rubys too, I used to work there, well not that one, but they are all dear to my heart...jk :)
I always want to go to Dukes! They were my customer so I have been to their kitchen which between the first aid sales and DJ work is how I went to a lot of restaurants in OC. The good thing is that I knew who had dirty nasty kitchens and I would not eat at those restaurants! Dukes was nice and clean I just never had a chance to eat there! Enough ranting... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
Keep on posting Sarah....I love to look at the fun things you and Troy do with Lucy. She is just so adorable! You are such great parents. Sorry about the tubes for Lucy. You will be so sad that day. Pat had eye surgery at 18 months and it was just so sad to see him taken away for the surgery. Of course, I will be thinking of you.
That looks like a great birthday! I know turning 30 is freaking me out it will be scary.
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